Wilkes-Barre City Asks for Citizen Cooperation as Snowstorm Arrives

The City of Wilkes-Barre is preparing for the arrival of the impending snowstorm, which has a 98% chance of producing 8 inches of snow or more, according to the National Weather Service. The NWS also predicts the storm will produce snowfall rates of 2 to 3 inches per hour overnight, with a total accumulation of 18-24 inches in the Wilkes-Barre area.

The Department of Public Works has salt available and trucks are ready to plow streets throughout the duration of the storm. Cooperation of the residents of Wilkes-Barre is vital to DPW effectively removing the snow, therefore allowing for emergency vehicles to safely travel.

The City asks the following of residents, in order to expedite removal of snow on city streets:

  • Do not travel unless absolutely necessary
  • If possible, remove vehicles from the street and park in your driveway if available. 
  • Do not push snow into the street