Mayor George C. Brown Announces Precautionary Closure of Barney St. Bridge; City’s Response to Weather Event

As a precautionary measure, the Barney Street Bridge, located between Horton and Brook Streets in South Wilkes-Barre, will close immediately.

Curbside Collection for residents in the Rolling Mill Hill, Mayflower, Iron Triangle, and Goose Island neighborhoods, will be affected as DPW prioritizes their response to street flooding and other weather related emergencies. DPW will do their best to pick up garbage and recycling, however, yard waste collection will certainly be delayed.

Roadway flooding is predicted. Residents are advised not to travel, unless absolutely necessary. Please leave the roads clear for emergency response vehicles. If you do need to travel, DO NOT drive through water—you don't know the condition of the road under the water, how deep the water is, or how fast the water is moving. It is NEVER safe to drive into flood water.

To report street flooding, blocked street drains, and related issues, please call the Mayor’s Office at 570.208.4157 and 570.208.4158 and call 570.208.4240 AFTER 5PM. Many phone calls are expected, so please leave a voicemail with your name, phone number, address, and the issue you are reporting.

Please call 911 for emergencies.